Monday, May 14, 2012

The Sheriff and I

As I was driving to work this morning I had a sheriff follow me. Instantly I am aware of his presence and my anxiety rises. He slowly backs off to run my plates per protocol.  My heart is pounding so hard you could probably hear it over the stereo.  Fear comes over me as I play ever possible scenario for him to pull me over. Finally as I near work he turns off and I let out a long sigh. I release all the breath I just held for five miles. You see, I just got my license about eight months ago. I had spent fifteen years driving with no privileges; I am sadly very aware of the routine. I’m familiar with what it’s like when I see the lights flip on and I have to pull over.  The cop approaches the car and asks for the usual: license, insurance and registration. On a good day, I would at least have the registration but most times I didn’t have any of the qualifications needed to be out driving on the road, and I would face the consequences. This happened all too often and instead of me getting a license, I would just try be a better driver. I figured if I always used my blinker, went the speed limit, followed all laws of the road, I would be in the clear; however no one can follow ALL the rules ALL the time and there would be little slips. These slips always seemed to happen with a cop behind me and the drill would repeat.  
                As I mentioned though, eight months ago I did finally get my license and insurance!!! Praise the Lord!!! God stopped me through a series of events as he usually does. I had quite a bit of garbage I had to clear up from my past before I could get it but he walked with me and in the end I am officially authorized to be on the road!!! This was a huge accomplishment for me.
                So, why the fear still? Why does my heart stop when a law enforcement officer is anywhere in my premise? I prayed about it and God showed me. “My child; you’re the only one who still sees the old you.” I thought about that for a minute. If a person pulled behind me what would they see? Well, I have pink license plate cover that states boldly “Gods Girl”, I have on my rear window a decal that says “everyone that has breath let them praise the Lord.”  I’m blasting worship music from my stereo; this scenario probably doesn’t reflect that of a trouble maker.  When the cops run my plates they see a registered car and a licensed driver! Looking at my car they see someone devoted to serving God. This is how they see me; unfortunately I remember who I was. I remember the old scenario I played for you. I remember who I was before God rescued me and I fear that they can see that person too. “Therefore if any man be In Christ he is a new creation; all things have passed away; behold ALL things become New!” (2cor 5:17)  The sheriff behind me this morning saw the New me, not the old sinner but the new saint! He didn’t look on someone struggling with bondage; instead he was following someone who has been set free by God!
                God has called me to walk in that freedom. He doesn’t want me to keep beating myself up for the sins my old nature committed but to remind the enemy that they are covered under His Sons blood! When the devil brings up old situations such as this morning, I can boldly remind him it’s not going to turn out like it used to. I am a new saint not the old sinner anymore!!!!  
Thank you for your truth! Thank you for showing me who I am in you. Thank you lord for restoring me and setting me free from the bondage. Lord when I see those old chains help me to remember I’m not in them anymore. They have no power over me. The blood of your precious Son paid the price for all my sins and I can rest knowing I am free! I am a new creation and I need to see me the way you see me lord. Help me with that. Help me rest in you. I love you so much God and thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you for your grace Father. Let my life be a reflection of my gratitude.
In Jesus precious name