Saturday, June 22, 2013


My husband asked me the other night why I gave up on writing my blog. (My biggest fan missed me) and I had to really think about it. I wasn’t really sure why I stopped. I wasn’t busy, I did have time, and I couldn’t give him an answer right away. So, I sat down this morning to write and it hit me. My brain is so flooded with thoughts that getting them down on paper sometimes seems like an impossible task. I have the intentions to write one thing, then after a long trail down the rabbit hole, I drift back. My thoughts are scattered. And it is not just scattered thoughts, but something happens when my thoughts are put in print. Even when I watch and type carefully my words can be misread, misinterpreted, and misunderstood.
This happened recently and it really hurt my feelings. My first response was, they should know me better and should know my heart behind it. I wanted to write back immediately and defend my statement. Defend what I was trying to say but the Lord gently said “Tara Stop.”  So I went to the place where I can truly pour out my heart to God, (the shower) and cried. I cried because I was hurt, because I was mad, because I didn’t understand. My shower time with God is truly my favorite. I take a lot of showers for this reason and anyone who is close to me knows this. Although, now, so do all of you. Maybe it’s because its quiet, maybe it’s because I’m totally vulnerable, maybe it’s just the refreshing hot water, but it’s there I can clearly hear God.  And I did. I realized that so much of the church is divided and I certainly didn’t want to cause separation. I realized that in the big picture this wasn’t something worth arguing over. I knew my point on the topic and now I know my friends. Praise God.
The other thing He revealed to me is words; as I mentioned something happens when words hit print. Almost every person I know has either read someone’s text, or had their text misinterpreted. Even with scripture people interpret it different and thus division happens. In order to know what I meant by my post my friend would need to talk to me in person. In order to know what Gods word means, I need to hear from Him personally.  This has to be done by spending time with each other. When God reveals something to me personally, it’s not up for debate.  Words are powerful. The bible says we will give account for every idol word we speak. (Matthew 12:36)  it’s not just my job to make sure I listen and read with understanding, I need to make sure I talk and type, or print with this in mind as well. And most importantly…DON’T FORSAKE THE GATHERING OF THE BODY. Both with each other and with Jesus, our sweet sweet friend!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Back to Worship

Lately, I have been in absolute awe of God. Who He is? His character, His love, His majesty. You could say smitten by him. The other day I was supposed to be putting away laundry in the bedroom, a task I disdain, when suddenly God put a song in my heart I hadn’t heard for awhile.  The song is “Your Love is Extravagant” In that moment I stopped putting clothes away and looked the song up on my phone. I closed my eyes and started spending time with my Lord.  I was transported from my bedroom into Gods secret pavilion. God’s love and peace completely flooded me. Next thing I know my husband interrupts wondering what I was doing since it wasn’t laundry.  God knew though that it was exactly what I needed.

Recently it has felt like that intimacy was starting to go stale. I was still reading my bible, still very active in church and seeking God. I would go to church and sing the songs but something just wasn’t clicking. I wasn’t even aware this was a problem I was just going through the motions. That night God basically slow danced with me. He brought me back to the heart of worship; to that place of just “us”.  
Worship, true worship has been on my heart ever since. I don’t have to be at church to sing to the Lord. His word says He inhabits the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3) its not just about singing a song. Praising God through song does something to your heart. The angels surround the throne singing “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God almighty” I could quote ample bible verses supporting this theory but the truth is you have to experience it for yourself to understand. There is no way to describe the feeling that comes over you, it’s supernatural. It’s spiritual.

I have a friend who would support me 100% on this. He was recently in a snowboarding accident which left him paralyzed from his waist down. He wrote describing the accident and what had happened.  He describes the sheer terror that came over him when he realized he couldn’t feel his legs. He frantically asked everyone that was surrounding him to pray. As he states, “All of a sudden my friends started worshiping. At that moment Jesus showed up and changed everything about how I was feeling” (V) basically he went from pure despair to peace because Jesus showed up.  Jesus inhabited the praises of His people. Wow, this is powerful stuff!! My friend is still paralyzed but He has a joy that no one person or circumstance can rob from him and he is still praising. 

And let us not forget it was when Paul and Silas were singing when the Lord brought forth an earthquake that freed them from the prison. (Acts 16:25-27) It was during worship the lord again showed up tremendously!
So, with this on my heart, I just want to pass on the message. I have been a Christian for awhile now and am just recently coming to see how powerful this tool is. When life is hard it is difficult to sing, but I challenge you to try it. God works in our hearts in amazing ways.  The next time you are struggling to find joy start singing. See what God can do through your praises. 

Your Love is Extravagant
Casting Crowns

Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
Your love is extravagant

Spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known You considered me a friend
Capture my heart again

Spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known; You considered me a friend

Capture my heart again
Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate