Onward Christian soldiers marching out to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before! This is an old hymn I remember singing when I was little and attending church. I didn’t know what it meant I just remember in my precious moment’s bible there was a picture of a little kid in war gear. And in true precious moment’s style, the armor was over sized and too big. I loved singing that song because I felt the power behind it. The congregation would sing it with such authority like they knew the battle was already won. The enemy was going down as Christians march forward! Jesus said it himself that the gates of hell will not prevail! (Matthew 16:17-19) The other day I woke up with this song in my head after not hearing it for probably 15 years!
I have been feeling for awhile now that Christians are being filtered. All around me I am watching some Christians step up into the battle ready to fight and I have watched others sadly go A.W.O.L. I have seen people’s faith truly move mountains and I’ve witness people’s faith disintegrate. Some Christians have had an amazing spiritual awakening while others have sorrowfully died. “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have returned, strengthen your brother” (Luke 22:31-31). This is one of my favorite verses because Jesus himself states he prays for us. When life seems like no one cares always remember Jesus prays for us! When we are being sifted Jesus the Christ is praying for us. Praise God for his compassion. We learn from this scripture that anyone is susceptible to being sifted. Simon (Peter) was walking with Jesus. He hung out everyday and did everything with Jesus here on this earth. If you ask me, I would think for that reason Satan might want to sift someone else, but that’s not what happened. Satan wanted to sift someone who was close to Jesus intentionally. Satan needs to attack the ones who are closest to Jesus. Satan knows that they are the ones who are thwarting his plans. They are the ones who are getting in the devils way. They are the ones marching onward. That’s scary to me. The idea of Satan sifting me freaks me out. Praise God the verse goes on to say “..but I have prayed for you!” Again, Praise the Lord he prays for us! It is interesting that he doesn’t say I prayed so he won’t sift you, instead he prayed that afterwards Simon would be better used for His kingdom. So many times I pray God protect me from evil instead of praying God make me better for your kingdom even if it involves me being sifted by the devil himself. We can rejoice and take comfort knowing whatever we are going through Jesus is praying for us.
It keeps getting brought up in the body of Christ to get ready, brace ourselves, and be ready for battle. The devil is sifting. That is evident. Some are unfortunately falling through the crevice, while others like Simon, come back stronger than before. I know God is preparing His people for battle. I can sense it. Other believers can feel it as well. Many of us feel the tension in the air knowing that God is preparing us for something. This is exciting and scary all at the same time. Like soldiers preparing for war, Christians need to be preparing for combat. Jesus prayed that Simon’s faith would not fail. Sadly I am watching people’s faith fail them. I am watching people’s foundation crumble. A foundation they thought was sturdy was actually built on sand, even if it looked like it was on the rock, surely it wasn’t. Jesus said a house truly built on the rock wouldn’t fall. I need to make sure my foundation is on the Rock of Jesus Christ. I need to make sure I put on the full armor of God every day. I must be ready and willing at all times being steadfast in prayer, devoting my time to His word. This is not a time to relax for the body of Christ. We have been resting for too long. The calm before the storm isn’t a time to be calm at all, but instead build up our faith because the storm is coming. “If you are always ready, he will not find you sleeping, even if he comes back earlier than expected. I tell you this, and I say it to everyone: 'Be ready!'" (Mark 13:24-37)
My prayer is that I am ready. I pray that we don’t get sifted out when the devil sifts us. I pray that we can march forward and fight the good fight for Jesus Christ our savior. People need God, this world is dying, and we are the soldiers God has called. It is not a time to sleep. Wake up Church! The time is Now.
Dear Lord~
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for loving me so much even praying for me. God you are so unbelievably good to us and I praise your holy name. Lord, help me to stand strong in your name. Help me to share the gospel and tell the world; help me to not grow tired. Lord, I pray for the body. I pray that your people rise and fight with your full armor on, using the shield of faith to protect us. Lord, I have heard from so many that you are preparing your people and I thank you for being called by you and for your work. Help me prepare myself. Help me help others get ready. God it breaks my heart to see people walk away from you as I know it hurts your heart more, help them to turn back around. Jesus, help them to have a strong foundation that doesn’t crumble at the enemies attacks. God you are our strength and our shelter. Thank you Father for protecting us, equipping us, shielding us, strengthening us, and sending us into battle for you! You don’t need us yet you chose us. Thank you.
In my saviors precious name,
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