Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Truth

This week I learned the truth about something. It was extremely painful for me to hear and even harder for me to try to understand. It was the kind of truth that sent me straight to the cross. I ran into Jesus arms crying. I wept at the foot of the cross trying to understand the truth that just changed my reality.  At first, all I could do was cry with Jesus. I told him how much it hurt, how it wasn’t fair. I sat there in his presence for a long time just needing to be held. Jesus sent many of His people to speak His love into my life. He sent His angels to protect me. He allowed me to cry, but then I heard Him speak, “Tara, it was still the truth even if you hadn’t heard it.”  This statement has been my focus for a few days now.

The truth is the truth whether I know it or not.  It isn’t the truth that hurts us. Jesus says the Truth will set us free; it’s realizing that we were previously deceived. The reality is I like to not know. I think society can be that way as well; hence the saying ignorance is bliss. I can almost prefer to keep my eyes closed. The problem with that is; Jesus is truth. When I keep my eyes closed I don’t see what Jesus is doing.  When I pray and say things like whatever your will Jesus, I have to be ready to handle the truth He shows me. Regardless. God loves me so much He allowed me to see the Truth.

He also showed me that once the truth is revealed, God can work.  I’ve seen many people hurt because they discovered the truth and at that point they walk away from God.  Please don’t walk away from God when He shows you something. No matter how painful because once the DR reveals the condition; He can heal it!  Just like when the Lord first shows us our condition without him. When he first brought into light what a sinner I was and how desperate I was for Him, it was rough.  I certainly didn’t want to face it. So, I didn’t for awhile, probably about a year, but then when I finally accepted it, God started healing me.  In actuality; I was filthy whether God showed me or not but His love is so great that He brought it to light. He then began cleaning me up and sanctifying me.  What a beautiful process. Who I am today is solely because I finally came to a place and accepted Truth. I would’ve never thought six years later I would be where I am. I know that while this new truth I discovered hurts now, I can’t wait to see the end product. To see how the Great Almighty God cleans it up and heals it.

Thank you for your Truth. Thank you that you love me enough to reveal truth to.  You are a mighty gracious, merciful God. Lord, even though this hurts now I know there will be joy in the morning. You promise. Lord, help me to never fear hearing your truth. Thank you for this chance to again rely completely on you. I love how close you are to me in storms. Jesus, thank you for being Truth.  Thank you for always answering prayer and for your Love. Thank you that your ways and thoughts are higher than mine always. I will always put my trust in you and love you for always.
In Jesus precious name


  1. That was absloutely amazing to read!!! Your love and faithfulness to Jesus is without a doubt inspiring to say the least. You were hit with a major storm and you turned to Jesus to be your strong tower. Thank you for being an inspiration and for being my friend. I love you

  2. Thank you Terrie. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being my friend as well.
