Saturday, February 25, 2012

Life's Adventures!

It has been awhile since I have written anything.  It seems I am in a season of busy. Life goes from one adventure to another and it is exciting to be on mission with the creator!  My heart is overwhelmed with joy that He chooses people like me to participate in His plans for His glory.  He trusts me and uses me to build His kingdom.  Amazing!!  I’m learning that I don’t have to know how Gods plan is supposed to work out; I just know it is going to.  My job when God asks me to do something is simple… obedience.  It’s His job to work out all the details. Not mine.  I just obey and He always paves the course.  I know it seems simple to “just obey.” HA! It is not.  Some of the things He calls me to are next to impossible for me.  We are still working on many kinks and areas where He is whispering, “My child why don’t you still trust me in this area?”  I don’t know.  In theory, He is the best person to trust, but in practice sometimes looks different. I do know however, that the more I take the small step of obedience the bigger and more challenging steps come easier. Praise God He isn’t finished with me yet!

My life right now reminds me of a poem I read some time ago.  I do not know who the author is but I wanted to share it with everyone.  Our lives once we give them to God can be an adventure.  It should be! It should be wild, fun, joyous, exciting.  When we let our Lord take the lead, our lives will be a great voyage!  Don’t be afraid to let Him take the reins; You won’t regret it!!!

The Bike Ride
Author Unknown
When I met Jesus, life became rather like a bike ride. It was a tandem bike; I rode in the front and steered, and Jesus was in the rear seat, helping to pedal.
I don't remember just when it happened, but Jesus suggested we change places. Life hasn't been the same since. Jesus makes the ride so exciting!
When I had control, I knew the way. It was safe and predictable, but rather boring--always the shortest distance between two points. But when Jesus got in the driver's seat, He knew delightful "long cuts" up mountain roads and down again at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hold on!
I didn't want to question His judgment, but once I couldn't help myself. "Don't You think we should slow down just a little? I'm scared." He turned and smiled and touched my hand and said, "It's okay. Pedal."
Sometimes I got worried and anxious and asked, "Where are You taking me?"
I am learning to not worry or want to get back in control, but just to relax and enjoy the view.
"It's a surprise," He would say with a laugh. Gradually I learned to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered the adventure.
He took me to meet people with gifts that I needed--gifts of love, healing, acceptance, joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey--our journey, my Lord's and mine--and we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away." So I did, to other people we met. But the strangest thing happened. I found that the more of those things I gave away, the more I had for myself and to give to other people we met along the way. And still our load was light.
At first I didn't trust Jesus to be in control of my life. I thought He would wreck it. But He knows the bike's capabilities and limits, and all sorts of tricks. He knows how to take sharp corners at high speeds, make the bike "jump" to clear rocks in our way, and He can even make it fly when the road disappears beneath us.
I am learning to not worry or want to get back in control, but just to relax and enjoy the view, the cool breeze on my face, and the delightful company of my constant companion, Jesus.
I still get tired sometimes because it is a long, hard ride, but Jesus just smiles and says, "Pedal."

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love is in the Air

Love is the topic at hand.  Not just because Valentine’s Day is coming up, but because my home group is going over the book “Crazy Love” It seems all around me God is showing me about Love.  I recently had a situation where I was asking God for guidance and His reply was, “Tara, just love.” In my controlling ways that answer wasn’t sufficient for me. What does He mean just love? What does that look like? Come on, there is got to be something more I could do here.  “Nope.” He said. This frustrated me.  I don’t even know what that looks like and felt I needed to do something more tangible, ya know something more significant.  This was a big situation involving a lot of emotions, and other people, and all I was to do was love??  Ok, God, What does this look like?

I know many bible verses about love, but sometimes knowing and putting them into practice look different.  For example many people claim they love God, However, the bible says if you love God you will keep His commandments (John 14:15) The bible says, Love is patient, and patient is something I am not.  (1cor 13:4)  I am to love others more than I love myself. (Romans 12:10) No greater love than this, that he lays down his own life for his friends (john 15:13). Clearly, the bible tells me a lot about Love and it can be overwhelming.  My personality type needs a plan.  Let me clarify, I am a very spontaneous person on my own, but if I am given instructions they need to be spelled out.  Little direction allows my ADD mind to go far away from the goal, which then leads to me not wanting to do anything because I forget where I was ultimately going! So, Gods simple instructions to “just love” were far too vague for me, and looking at the Bible was far too overwhelming for me. AAAAHHH God help!! That’s what He did.

He asked me "What is love?" Woohoo I know the answer to one. God is love (1 John 4:8) it is not a personality trait of His, it is what He is! It is His very nature. Everything about God stems from this fact; He IS Love.  I know love because I know God.  Before I knew God I had a worldly view of love.  It was corrupt, selfish, and shallow.  Love the world’s way, is all about what others can give me. Love with God, is all about what I can give the world. I truly love because it is in me now, instead of loving to get something from it. Love with God is deep. It is unconditional. It is not based on my relationship with others, but on my relationship with Him.  The closer I get to Him will result in the closer I get to others. The more I love Him, the more I will be able to love others.  I truly want to love others more. I want to see them through Gods eyes.  I know I must seek God whole heartedly. I need to remove the things that are hindering my walk with Him. I need to be abiding In Him. We Love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19) In understanding His love for me, I in turn, love Him more.  The more I seek Him, I see how much He loves me; the more I want to seek Him and love Him more. The more I love Him, the more I love others. He is the ultimate source! He is the blood line. I need Him.
The answer “Just Love,” was really “just God.” He IS the answer.  Thank you Lord!! This I understand!!

I love You!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I believe in the Bible.  I believe it is 100% true.  I know most of you know this about me and are thinking duh, but it’s strange to me how much of the Bible people really think is 100% true.  We pick and choose which parts we “buy” and which ones we don’t. I hear things like God doesn’t do miracles like he did in the back then. I don’t believe that.  I believe God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) He is still very much alive and very much working miracles! So if God doesn’t change what did?  Why don’t we see the seas part? Or the lame walk?  Well scripture is the only place to look for the answers and since it tells me God doesn’t ever change that leads me to believe we did.  Sadly, we have lost faith.  The bible tells us all we need is faith.  Faith moves mountains!  (Matthew 21:21)  Do I really believe this? I don’t get to believe in one part of the bible without believing in the other parts so I have to ask myself do I have that kind of faith?  Sometimes I do.  Sometimes I don’t.  Right now I have a friend that desperately needs healed; spiritually as well as physically.  I pray for this friend often and in my alone time with God he reminded me of the centurion.  Jesus was walking when a centurion approached him saying his servant was paralyzed and in severe pain at home. The centurion told Jesus he was not worthy of him coming to his house but he knew if Jesus just spoke the words his servant would be healed. Jesus responded with amazement and told him he hadn’t found anyone in Israel with greater faith.  He instructed him to go and that it would be done just as he asked.  The Bible says that very hour his servant was healed! (Matthew 8:5-13)  When God showed me this I knew what he was telling me.  This wasn’t about my friend’s faith it was about mine.  Did I truly think God would heal her? I later went to the Immanuel House of Prayer and prayed with everyone about this situation, God put the same story on someone else’s heart totally confirming this was what He was telling me. “Tara do you have the faith for your friend?” There are many accounts in the Bible where people were healed because of the prayers and faith of others. When I am praying for her am I really counting on a miracle or am I just doing my Christian duty to pray for the hurting?  Three weeks in I can tell you I am banking on this miracle!
When this situation was first presented to me I didn’t have much faith honestly but the wonderful thing about our God is when we tell him we don’t understand he helps us.  My prayer becomes that of the fathers whose son also needed a miracle.  Jesus asked “Do you believe?” His response was honest “I do believe but help me overcome my disbelief” That’s me.  I have witnessed healings! My mom was diagnosed crazy from multiple doctors and prescribed eleven different pills to keep her “sane” Through prayer she is one year later off ALL her meds and happier than ever before. She has the Joy of the Lord and he healed her! He gave her a renewed mind and saved her soul!!  I believe in miracles! I believe in Him healing people!! He healed me from a life of addiction, He healed my marriage, He restored my family, He is still sitting on the throne and performing miracles!!
As a Christian I am called to be on mission with Jesus and help heal this world! I am called to pray for the hurting. I am called to lay hands on the sick. I am called to testify the truth!!

Mark 16:17-18
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

Hebrews 11:11
By faith Abraham, even though he was past age--and Sarah herself was barren--was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise.

James 5:14-15
Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

I John 3:21-22
Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him

Jeremiah 30:17
But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, `because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.'

Do I believe in the Bible? Do I believe in healing? Do I believe in miracles?  YES!!!!!!!

You are so good Lord! Im always amazed at how you love us! You are the creator of the universe and yet you care and love me. Mind boggling.  Lord thank you for your promises. Thank you for your Word that is truly a lamp to my feet! It has all of life’s mysteries and solutions!! You are beyond worthy of praise! God help me where my faith is lacking.  My friend needs a miracle and I know you specialize in them so I put her in your care God.  She is sick, dying, and paralyzed but I know if you just say the words she would be healed!!! God give me the strength to keep praying and having faith when the enemy is attacking and making things appear impossible.  I am so thankful that nothing is impossible for you!  Lord let me faith heal her! Thank you for always hearing my voice God.
In Jesus Name,